Changes from the BNS location rules are noted via the yellow highlighting, but all have been repeated in full here for simplicity.
Artistic: This Location is a work of art in and of itself. Controlling this stock location gives the character an additional dot of the Fame background so long as she is known to control it.
Clubhouse: This location is a meeting place for a mortal organization. Its controller gains access to one additional instance of the Allies background at 1 dot. This benefit does not raise the level of a character’s existing Allies, and it is treated as a separate background. The nature of these Allies is established upon acquiring the location.
Conglomerate: This location is the administrative or bureaucratic arm of an organization, such as the Mall Management and Security office, where individual stores in the mall are also their own location. Owning the conglomerate location provides the names of all the subsidiary locations, as well as their current status (owned or unowned). It also provides the ability to ignore one location requirement on the subsidiary locations, if you are on the quest to own them. If you own all the subsidiary locations, you get the conglomerate for free, and it does not count toward your total number of locations you can control.
Cutting Edge: This location is a modern marvel of technological design, with all aspects of the infrastructure built towards one goal: Delivering a singularly impressive high-tech experience. Controlling this location provides a character with access to what is effectively a technologically-replicated, unfocused ability to replicate the Path of Technomancy power Analyze while within the location. Furthermore, the controlling character receives a +3 wild card bonus to challenges involving the Computers skill while at this location.
Dead Zone: This building is cut off from any sort of cellular or internet service. Characters find it impossible to get online or even make phone calls without special access such as a landline or dedicated wi-fi (Should the owner provide it). This area is also immune to mystical powers that control technology, such as the blood magic Path of Technomancy or the werewolf gift Jam Technology. Some speculate that there are other, hitherto-unknown factions who limit the encroachment of supernaturals at such locations. Others believe these locations may be affected by the Second Inquisition.
Derelict: This location is broken down and empty. It has a -1 on Quest Requirements. Other qualities are at the discretion of the STs. This quality does not count towards the total number of qualities for the purposes of questing.
Distracting: Due to some feature of the location, such as loud music, flashing lights, or no light at all, one struggles to keep track of details or people while present in it. The powers Heightened Senses, Wolf Senses, or any comparable sensory enhancement do not function here, even for the character who controls this location.
Fancy: This location is in a spot where the wealthy and elegant love to congregate, making it easy for its controller to orchestrate backroom deals. A character who controls this location receives one additional Elite influence action each downtime cycle. This quality can only go on Standards of 4+ or higher rated locations.
Firewall: This location has been designed to prevent others from remotely accessing its data and security systems. The difficulty of attempts to penetrate computer systems at this location increases by 3. Characters with both Computer skill and have purchased the Haven background for this location receive the Firewall benefit for free.
Guards: Armed guards regularly patrol this location. Anyone who tries to infiltrate this location must contend with 5 dots of Retainers guarding it. When choosing this quality, the player may assign five level-1 Retainers, one level-5 Retainer, or any other combination adding up to five. Guards also add +1 to the difficulty of any quest to physically infiltrate the location. Location guards only protect this location, and they cannot travel.
Hangout: This location is a gathering place for mortal residents from various walks of life. Its controller gains access to one additional instance of the Contacts background at 1 dot. This benefit does not raise the level of a character’s existing Contacts, and it is treated as a separate background. The specializations of these Contacts will be given when a location is acquired.
Historic: This location has cultural or historical significance, making control of it much more complicated. Add +1 to the difficulty of any quest to take control of this location.
Hole in the Wall: This location is difficult to find unless you know what you’re looking for. This location cannot be targeted or affected by other characters unless they have personally been there. Using Contacts will not reveal the owner unless the character has already found the location, nor will using Contacts on a character reveal the location.
Isolated: This location is isolated from mortals, and is thus relatively safe as regards to the Masquerade. Only the most egregious breaches attract outside attention.
Laboratory: This location contains a highly specialized research laboratory. Choose two Science skill specializations (Or Animal Ken). This location confers a +3 wild card bonus to challenges related to that field of study. A location can have multiple instances of the Laboratory quality, applying to a different Science specialization each time.
Library [Repository]: This location features an extensive library, on a variety of subjects not accessible to mortals. Before making a Lore skill test, a character may spend one hour looking things up in the library and receive a +3 wild card bonus to her test pool.
Library [Mundane]: This location features an extensive library, on a variety of subjects not accessible to mortals. Before making an Academics or Linguistics skill test, a character may spend one hour looking things up in the library and receive a +3 wild card bonus to her test pool.
Location: This location is in an area that affords it some protection, such as being in a prestigious neighborhood, atop a lonely mountain, or at the end of a winding, private road. Anyone using downtime actions to negatively affect this facility must spend twice as many downtime actions to do so. In addition, the Storyteller may award certain story benefits relevant to the location (police respond quickly when called, nearby roads get cleared first when weather is bad, etc.)
Lowdown and Dirty: This location is a spot where underground figures love to congregate, making it easy for its controller to orchestrate deals. A character who controls this location receives one additional Underworld influence action each downtime cycle. This quality can only go on Standards of 4+ or higher rated locations.
Luxury: This location is filled with comfortable and expensive amenities, such as televisions, automatic chairs, computers, or works of art. The location owner receives a +3 bonus to Social attribute tests versus mortals in this location.
Medical Facility: This location provides equipment for Medicine, giving a +3 Wild Card bonus to anyone trained in Medicine, as well as doubling their ability to store blood. Anyone without Medicine skill can store blood here for a month, as if they had Medicine: 1
Off the Grid: This location has no electronic systems as part of its workings, yet it is fully functional in all other aspects, including security. This location cannot be infiltrated via the internet or be impacted through typical bureaucratic means.
Profitable: This location generates income for its controller, treated as if she had an additional instance of the Resources background at 1 dot. This benefit does not raise the level of a character’s existing Resources background, and it is treated as a separate background. A location can have multiple levels of this Quality, but only 1 per every 3 Qualities the location has. Each level is an increase in the rating (So Profitable x2 will produce equal to Resources 2)
Public Property: This location is a public facility, owned by the local government, but controlled by a vampire. Add +3 to the difficulty of any bureaucratic action targeting this facility. In addition, this location ignores the first instance of the Out of Code negative quality assigned to it. The second instance of Out of Code is treated as the first, ultimately requiring four instances before the location is rendered inoperable.
Refuge: This location has an emergency power system, as well as food supplies (including blood, if controlled by a vampire). Each level of this location’s rating gives it enough resources for a single individual to remain for 30 days without emerging, which the controller can divide to accommodate additional parties or combine for a longer duration for fewer characters.
Security: This location has a basic security system installed. Any challenges to break in suffer a -3 penalty. In addition, the controlling character always receives at least one turn of warning if she is present during a break-in attempt (no matter how well the attacker tests). Characters with the Security skill may receive this benefit for free on locations that are designated as their Haven background, but Security must be separately assigned to multiple locations.
Size: This location is enormous, with dozens of rooms, or a wide enclosed space. A warehouse’s worth of goods, supplies, people, or anything else can be safely hidden away from the world here.
Sprawling: Characters unfamiliar with this location find it confusing to navigate. Characters wishing to speak privately should notify the Storyteller of their intent, and they are then considered to be in a different location for the purposes of observation. Furthermore, characters who do not control this stock location may not declare fair escape while present, and a character wishing to leave the site must spend five minutes unchallenged before making her exit.
Staff: This location includes several servants who see to the needs of the owner and guests. Staff don’t normally fight; but if they are forced to engage, treat them as 1-dot Retainers with no combat specialties. They are available at all times, but are not entirely self-sufficient; Staff cannot be used to raise the total number of locations a character can control.
Sturdy: This location is particularly hard to ruin, thanks to solid construction. Add +3 to the difficulty of any action that would cause physical damage to this location, such as breaking down doors. In addition, the location ignores the first Damaged negative quality assigned to it. The second instance of Damaged is treated as the first, ultimately requiring four instances before the location is destroyed.
Tranquil: This location brings a sense of self-reflection and centering. By spending a good deal of time here (A downtime action or 15 minutes out of game), once per month, you can lower your Derangement Traits by 1.
Travel Center: Once per month you may use "Free Travel." This is not trackable via Word on the Street. Standard locations' routes are limited to the route established when this quality is added or upgraded (e.g., AVL-Black Mountain, AVL-Mill Hill). This use of Free Travel applies to a maximum number of characters equal to twice the Location's rating (e.g., a Standard 3 Location with Travel Center can be used to cover up to 6 characters).
Venue: This location is an excellent performance venue. Choose one Performance skill specialization. This location confers a +3 wild card bonus to non-supernatural challenges related to that skill specialization. A location can have multiple instances of the Venue quality, applying to a different Performance specialization each time. Some specializations may have overlap and only count as one instance of Venue.
Workshop: This location is designed for making things. Choose one Craft skill specialization. This location provides a +3 wild card bonus to challenges related to that skill specialization. A location can have multiple instances of the Workshop quality, applying to a different Crafts specialization each time.
Celebrity: This location is so well-known that anyone associated with it becomes an international celebrity. A character controlling this location gains 5 temporary dots to spread among her mundane backgrounds. These dots may be exchanged once per month, and cannot combine with other backgrounds to exceed 6 dots. However, such fame comes at a cost. The character must spend 3 downtime actions every cycle to avoid breaking the Masquerade due to excessive media attention.
Fortified: This location is especially resistant to external assault. It cannot be destroyed by any physical means short of a military-grade attack. Any attempts to breach it externally are considered Epic difficulty or higher (with a difficulty rating of 30 or more), and attempts to bypass its internal security have a difficulty rating of 25 or more.
Nationalized: This location has been taken over by the mortal government. This level of financial, political, and legal support makes controlling or damaging this location significantly risky. All consequences acquired from quests involving this location are doubled.
Protected: This location is protected through legal, political, and mystical means. Multiple government agencies have a direct interest in keeping this place secure. Entire sects expend influence to ensure that troublesome elements keep away. Some whisper that secret supernatural cabals have spun a mystical spell that forces reality itself to conspire against those who would do this location harm. Storytellers are encouraged to create any number of coincidental events and happenstances that prevent a breach of Masquerade or other damage to this place. In the end, this place simply cannot be harmed, violated, or breached.
World Renown: This location is famously associated with a specific field and thus possesses global influence connected to that field. A character who controls this location may expend influence anywhere in the world, so long as her expenditure is directly related to that specific field. For example, the Library of Congress is one of the premier libraries in the world, and it enjoys exchange privileges with libraries across the globe. Leveraging this location to acquire rare or unusual manuscripts may be done with influence without requiring the use of Fame.
Barren: This location is a terrible place for vampires to feed. Reduce the amount of blood points received from feeding by half, rounding up.
Buffet: This location is an excellent place for vampires to feed. Double the amount of Blood points received from feeding.
Gauntlet: The Gauntlet is thicker here, making it difficult for shapeshifters to cross in and out of the Umbra. The time required to cross the Gauntlet, listed in MET: Werewolf the Apocalypse: Gauntlet Chart: Entering the Umbra, page 585, is doubled here.
Haunt: The Shroud is much weaker here, always returning to low at the start of each day. All necromancers gain a +3 wild car bonus to all interactions with ghosts here.
Tainted: This location bears some sort of Wyrm Taint. Spending more than five minutes at this location results in visitors gaining a point of Wyrm Taint, and spending eight hours here earn the character up to 1 additional point. This assignment cannot result in a character gaining a 5th point. Gaian Shapeshifters cannot cross the Gauntlet here. For more information, see MET: Werewolf the Apocalypse: The Gauntlet, page 584.
Arena: This quality is somewhat new, appearing in the 20th century. Some Harpies still consider it scandalous. Some traditionally-minded elders won’t visit a so-called Elysium with such a quality. This Elysium has a special area dedicated to sport or combat, where supernatural creatures engage in martial contests. When and how the Prince allows such contests to occur is subject to courtesies. This quality may not be selected in conjunction with Elysium qualities: Intimidating Ground or Traditional.
Easy Feeding: This location is located with easy proximity to one of the city’s racks. Feeding can be accomplished via a difficulty 1 Simple Quest with no more than five minutes spent out of game. Characters benefitting from this quality should take care not to run afoul of any courtesies forbidding feeding near Elysium.
Holy Ground: This Elysium has some sort of spiritual aura. Anyone who willingly violates this sacred ground automatically loses a Morality trait. These sites are not often primary choices for Elysium; however, a Prince might select this location to force de-escalation of conflict among her citizens. This quality triggers the Repelled by Religion flaw.
Intimidating Ground: This Elysium is so intimidating that characters who wish to take an action that would violate Elysium must spend a Willpower to do so. This quality may not be selected in conjunction with the Elysium qualities: Arena or Traditional.
Old Boy’s Club: This location is deliberately set in proximity to mortal elite society; it may possibly be a Masonic hall or revered museum. Provided the entire evening passes without a Masquerade incident, all attendees receive 1 bonus dot to their Fame background for month or two games, whichever is longer.
Quarantined: This location has been secured and thoroughly tested to ensure strict isolation from any sort of outside monitoring. Violating the Masquerade is nearly impossible when on Elysium grounds.
Soothing: This location eases the tumult of the Beast. Once per game session at this location, by spending 10 minutes in a state of relative peace, such as reflecting on a piece of art or engaging in quiet conversation, any character may remove a single Beast trait. In addition, repeated visits to this location may justify purchasing Morality traits.
Selective: Something about this place, such as supernatural wards, magical phenomena, or other defenses, repulses a specific supernatural creature type. It is either outright impossible or dangerously prohibitive for those creatures to enter. The Storyteller determines the mechanics for this quality such as creeping Banality for changelings or Gnosis loss due to silver for shapeshifters.
Traditional: This Elysium is known by the Camarilla as a bastion of traditional values. This location is considered an important place to be seen. All vampires who attend a gathering here gain the fleeting status trait Courteous once per three game sessions. This quality may not be selected in conjunction with the Elysium qualities: Arena or Intimidating Ground.
Universal Acceptance: The Elysium is located on grounds that are of such historical meaning that all vampire sects treat it with equal respect. Violation of an Elysium with Universal Acceptance always results in the offending character receiving the negative status trait Disgraced from her own sect officers.