The easiest way to get involved with our troupe is via our Discord group (Join: When you join, our Dracula-Bot will give you a rundown of common channels, and also politely notify the Storytellers of your arrival. Feel free to immediately jump into the community, and the #help-and-rules-questions channel is a great place to start. When the Storytellers learn of your arrival, they will make a new channel with you, and begin helping you with any character creation or rules questions you have to get you set up for your first night.
Once you are engaged in the community and have played your first game or two, you can request in your character channel with the storytellers for private channels with other players.
Please note our Discord server posting guidelines here.
Our staff is available via email as well, at storytellers at lotslarp dot org
email address (replace the at and dot with @ and . and remove spaces, we don't like spam!). Feel free to reach out here. Our usual response time to email is 24-48 hours, but may be delayed in the week proceeding the next upcoming game.