We love that so many of you are so eager to engage in online RP, and we encourage this! But to be clear, real world considerations always take precedence, and a lack of response in any channel should not be taken as an in-character offense or being left on read. It's fine to poke someone after a week or so and ask if something is being left on read IC, but this should NEVER be an assumption.
Further, if you've been posting a bunch in a group chat, it's worth taking a break sometimes and giving a chance for someone else to post. This is less a concern in 1-1 chats with someone, but make sure everyone has a chance to have their say. Online play is fun, but ultimately, optional.
We do ask that people with court positions engage to a certain degree in online play, and you can read more about that here.
WHAT WE ASK OF YOU: Be kind to people. It's pretty basic, but it works. We have a fabulous community and don't expect this to be a problem for anyone. But since we might get random drive-by's from time to time, more specifically:
If you are posting in a public channel, please be considerate of others, and be sure to spoiler tag anything that crosses commonly held phobias and anxieties, such as insects/spiders, transphobia, homophobia, etc. (with a label, so others know whether they want to engage). A list of all currently submitted lines and veils from all players can be found below for quick reference. Also…even if it's not on this list, please use common sense and spoiler anything you know most people will find upsetting.
Also, please note the channel names, and endeavor to keep posts relevant to the purpose of the channel (conversations will inevitably veer off course here and there, but we try to bring them back around to the channel topic as quickly as we can so people know where to go to look for specific things).
Lines | Veils |
Drug Overdose | Claustrophobia |
Spiders | Drowning |
Sexual Assault | Extreme Body Horror |
Transphobia | Homophobia |
Menstruation | |
Mental Health Ableism | |
Needles | |
Racism | |
Suicide | |
Violence to Children |
Some types of formatting have become customary over time to differentiate what is happening in a scene.
Jenny walks into the bar and looks around speculatively. She raises her pistol in the air. She lets two bullets fly into the air while grinning like a maniac. [Hey, are you about at the back entrance? I'll be there in less than five minutes.] |
ST clarifications. If you're confused about something that's public info, please drop it in your channel. We might go, "yeah, it's IC confusing," but we might also clear up a misconception.
Scenes with other PCs that do not involve throws. You can have soft-RP scenes with other PCs set at locations! We highly encourage you to only have one "political" or "plot" related scene happening at a time. You could text other characters in this scene, or maintain telepathy to deliver information during it, but keep track of your characters timeline and how many telepathic channels of communication they can maintain at a given time. Running multiple scenes at the same time can get confusing, so try to keep your timeline straight. That said, if you're just having a fluff background scene for something like having your characters watch a movie, etc, don't worry about that. What we're concerned about is information spread
Lore/Academics checks. Sometimes, questions of "do I know this?" come up between games. We cannot promise a fast response, but we allow you to drop requests for lore in your channel in moderation. Treat this as "this came up, do I know this?" rather than a "I want to investigate this, can I get information?" Searching through ancient tomes for esoteric answers is a better past time for a downtime.
Writing NPCs. Lengthy correspondence or a full conversation with an NPC outside the domain requires a downtime. If you have the contact information and means you can message to deliver one way information without a downtime by messaging in your ST channel. We reserve the right to respond or not respond according to both the NPC you are messaging, and ST time and resources. In depth schmoozing of an NPC should either be done at game, or in a downtime.
Powers of the blood/rituals/abilities. These can be used in a downtime or at game. These can be narratively described in scenes, but using your powers to unearth plot information or affect another PC in a hostile or plot relevant fashion cannot be achieved without a downtime or being at game.
Information gathering merits. Merits like Malkavian Time, Oracular Ability, Parley, and Method to the Madness can only be used at game or as part of a downtime. That said, if you know you are going to use a merit like this as soon as game starts for something, please tell us in your channel ahead of time so that we can prepare. We may in this case in order to streamline game give you the answer in your downtime to save at-game stress. In this case, treat it as if you used the power the moment you stepped on field.
Backgrounds. You cannot use influences, contacts, allies, or resources (to produce an item that requires an item card). Please put these in your downtimes, or use them at game.
Investigating plot. Look into things in downtimes or at game. Between games is a time to share information, not gather it.