Notable Domains While not all domains are listed, to maintain internal consistency, a number of famous or influential cities are listed. If a notable city is not described, it's safe to assume it functions essentially as the V20 lore for that city. |
City: | Authority: |
Amsterdam | Camarilla, Arjan Voorheis, Ventrue |
Atlanta | Sabbat |
Berlin | Camarilla, Abraham Wolff, Malkavian |
Boston | Camarilla, Quentin King III, Malkavian |
Buenos Aires | Alexandria, Toreador |
Cairo | Camarilla, Mukhtar Bey, Caitiff |
Charleston | Sabbat |
Charlottesville /Lynchburg / Roanoke VA | Anarch Barons |
Chicago | Camarilla, Kevin Jackson, Ventrue |
Denver | Camarilla, Edward Williams, Toreador |
Detroit | Contested by all three sects |
London | Camarilla, Queen Anne Bowesley, Ventrue |
Los Angeles | Anarch |
Los Vegas | Independent Alliance |
Madrid | Sabbat |
Melbourne | Camarilla, Leslie "Squizzy" Taylor, Brujah |
Memphis, TN | Independent Alliance |
Mexico City | Sabbat |
Miami | Sabbat |
Milan | Camarilla, Giangaleazzo, Lasombra |
Montréal | Sabbat |
Nashville | Anarch |
New Orleans | Camarilla, Antonio Calbullarshi, Tremere |
Newport News / Williamsburg VA | Camarilla |
New York | Camarilla, Hellene Panhard, Ventrue |
Norfolk / Virginia Beach | Sabbat |
Oslo | Camarilla, Anya Dyomin, Ventrue |
Paris | Camarilla, François Villon, Toreador |
Philadelphia | Camarilla, Ann of Wessex, Ventrue |
Pittsburgh | Camarilla, Henry Clay Frick, Ventrue |
Richmond VA | Camarilla, Don Carlos |
Rome | Camarilla, Darius, Nosferatu |
San Diego | Camarilla, Tara Kearney, Brujah |
San Francisco | Camarilla, Julian Luna, Ventrue |
Savannah | Sabbat |
Seattle | Camarilla, Alec Cross, Ventrue |
Sydney | Camarilla, Sarrasine, Toreador |
Toronto | Sabbat |
Venice | Independent Alliance |
Washington D.C. | Contested by all three sects |
Cities in Russia are mostly contested. Cities in China, Japan, and other East Asian countries are mostly uncontrolled by the above sects and instead the Kuei-jin, though they have substantial interactions with clan Giovanni. Cities in Africa are mostly uncontrolled by the above sects and instead the Laibon. If you have questions about a city not on this list, feel free to ask and the list can be updated. Much of central and south America is controlled by the Sabbat. |
A Ventrue elder and respected pillar of the local Camarilla, Ginevra Bellecourt is well known to be ruthless and catty, having served as the Harpy of multiple domains before claiming Praxis in Charlotte. Since her ascent to Praxis, Ginevra Bellecourt has caused an influx of wealth to her domain, and Charlotte has grown to be the largest city in NC. Many wonder whether she's satisfied with her current reach though.
A Nosferatu elder from Vietnam, Huy has a reputation as a cunning opponent in political rings. He makes a fierce Seneschal for Prince Bellecourt.
A Gangrel ancilla who found her confirmation early as she was a young prodigy to politics. With an upbeat personality and a chipper demeanor, she served as a Talon to former Harpy Sadie before she left the post to travel to Asheville.
An esteemed elder of clan Tremere, Malphas is an inhuman creature fueled by magick and with no need for mortal connections. A great architect, they are responsible for much of the NC infrastructure, and rumor has it that Malphas buried arcane runes in the concrete of the triangle's highways. They are known to be a childe of the new Tremere Justicar, Ulegh Begh.
The Malkavian ancilla Dr. Scott is also academically minded, and it's well baked into the courtesies of the Triangle that matters pertaining to mortal institutions of higher education shall be brought to the Seneschal. It is widely rumored that she is lovers with Prince Malphas, though this has never been confirmed.
An esteemed elder of clan Toreador. Why Serephina Pendleton moved from her considerable estate in Essex to the American South in 1999 is unknown, but when the red star hung overhead, she was a stabilizing for the Triangle.
An ancilla Brujah, and known firebrand, many were surprised when Ransom took Praxis in 2012. Though no real misfortune has befallen the domain in the last decade, most suspect Prince Ransom won't last long.
An elder of clan Toreador with little known of her origin, Sarah Divine is seen as a confident manager who often wears Ransom's absent authority and is seen from without as a guiding force in the domain.
The neonate Ventrue Friday is a recent childe of Prince Ginevra Bellecourt. After a short accounting, she traveled to Greensboro. Despite her young age, she is excessively competent. It is an open secret that Prince Bellecourt called in handsome presentation to make Friday Harpy.
When the Gangrel returned to the Tower in 2011, elder Michelle took to the job with a passion, consolidating the coastline from its assorted Anarch and Sabbat holdings to establish Praxis in Wilmington. She is nicknamed “The Kraken,” allegedly from the age of piracy.
A Brujah ancilla of dubious reputation, he's been dubbed the “Frateschal of UNC Wilmington,” and his greatest contribution to kindred is a manifesto titled, “The Art of the Chillmarilla,” which details a “cool” approach to kindred politics.
Harpy Bunny, a Toreador ancilla, hosts a yearly “Wet and Wild All Kindred Beach Queen Beauty Pageant” in July that has become a popular sensation across the state. She is widely hated by clan Nosferatu.
Despite the region's heavy Sabbat influence, Knoxville has always been a Camarilla bastion. At the turn of the century the former Prince mysteriously disappeared, and Iago, a Nosferatu ancilla and longtime resident of Knoxville, ascended to the throne where he has ruled as an iron tyrant. Many say he has Sabbat ties that allowed him to weather the Sword's influence in the region, but this is conjecture at best.
The business mastermind of Knoxville, Ventrue ancilla John Wallace came from Asheville with grand plans of a rail empire, and he has since delivered. Asheville Keeper E.W. Grove and him are known broodmates, and he often pays traveling kindred to deliver missives and packages.
A peculiarity, ancilla Gargoyle Wildcat became Harpy in the eighties and is well known to have pushed against any Tremere influence in the city.
A relatively small Anarch freehold that has maintained itself throughout the years. Baron Jaden Santos holds an equitable court there, and has frequently sent ambassadors to nearby domains. Rumors are that he is discontent with the Edict of Succession, though the last decade has shown only an increased willingness to work with the Camarilla rather than any visible move to act upon this, and the 2023 ratified list of domains in violation of the edict did not name Johnson City.
A the diocese of Winston Salem is one of the only Sabbat strongholds in the Piedmont, and despite its closeness to the Camarilla domain of Greensboro, it hosts a number of prominent Sabbat members as a northern outlier of Sabbat influence to the south. War parties from Winston Salem are rare, but not unheard of. The last decade has had them mostly engaged in smaller towns around the state, and word has it the Wilmington is a hot battleground with the IA.
The diocese covers a fairly large geographic region, securing small, geographically close cities like Greenville and Spartanburg under unified leadership. Upstate is generally considered a rather quiet diocese that is content to keep elders out of their business. Don't cross our line and we won't cross yours.
While the city of Atlanta has been fiercely contested during the repeated conflicts between the Camarilla and Sabbat, the last decade of uneasy truce has seen the city settle into the Sword of Caine's control. Little is known of the inner workings of the Sabbat capital of the South, and rumours that Lasombra Archbishop Antonio Delgado has once again settled into the city and wishes to retake considerable assets for the Sabbat. The loss of the Appalachian range has been a significant loss for the Sword, and it's rumoured that Archbishop Delgado has recently had agents active in the region, and that he personally visited Upstate and Winston Salem recently.
The 2023 Conclave proceeding the 2024 decisions from Inner Circle was held in New York City as a show of force, placing it in a former Sabbat domain. While the Grand Conclave each thirteen years is always an event, the latest was particularly fraught. Old tensions between clan Brujah and clan Ventrue spiked with the increasing territory held by the West Coast Anarch Free States, and as the first Grand Conclave since 2010, many had opinions on how to respond to the breaking of the Promise and the formation of the Independent Alliance. Increasing tensions after an extended cease fire with the Sabbat have had many firebrands eager to return to hostilities with the Sword, though such measures failed to see any progress.
In terms of outcomes, the Gangrel regained their pillar clan status, and the Imperator vanished without a trace not to be replaced. Clan Malkavian has sponsored once again to invite the Setites to join the Tower in an attempt to pull the Giovanni's only ally away from them, though what shall come of this is yet to be seen. The Camarilla reasserted the 2007 Edict of Succession which suggests that Anarchs are simply members of the Camarilla given some free range should they protect the Masquerade and embrace no more than 3 progeny in a domain every 13 years. Now at the end of the first 13 year period between Conclaves, the Justicariate produced a long list of domains they found in violation, effectively giving members of the Camarilla carte blanche to raid these cities and seize Praxis.
More locally, Prince Tallulah Donegan was seen frequently in the company of Madame Guil, and upon her return from Conclave, the Prince announced that for the first time since the Domain's founding, an Archon would visit the Land of the Sky to inspect the city and purge it of deviancy and Sabbat influence.
When the Schismatics joined the Tower in 1999, Tegyrius masterminded the exodus, and it earned him the title of Justicar. The two grand conclaves he has attended have proven the elder to be a crafty politician, and under his tutorship, the Josian Order has flourished. However, some within the Tower have raised complaints that an outsider is dictating the confines of what is socially permissible. Tegyrius is yet to respond to such slander, though perhaps he has greater issues at play as the Justicar had been working closely to bring his Josians into sync with Imperator Karsh just before his disappearance. Though he maintained his post through the 2023 Grand Conclave, many are now looking to see whether newcomer to the Tower will sink or swim.
The feared Archon Theo Bell displaced his predecessor and long-time rival Jaroslav Pascek as Justicar of clan Brujah in 2010 after Pascek died to hunters, and despite his reputation as a no-nonsense fighting man has earned a reputation as a talented mediator as well, evading Sabbat traps, quelling Anarch riots, and deftly outmaneuvering his elders' attempts to extort and manipulate him. His decades of service as an Archon and his assistance of the Ventrue has earned him with some a reputation as an attack dog for the blue bloods, while his Anarch sympathies made him no friends with the establishment. But the 2023 conclave solidified his popularity with his clan as ancilla Bell almost came to blows with Ventrue luminary Hardstadt in the public forum due to the Ventrue's simultaneous support for the Snake's entry to the Tower and further policing of the Anarchs. Luckily, matters deescalated, but tensions between the two clans remain high.
With the Gangrel's return to the Tower, many expected Geoffrey Leigh, a long-time archon and staunch supporter to rise to the seat, however, his Anarch sympathies brought into question his eligibility (leanings proved correct with his recent defection). Relative unknown, elder Basillia, who had never held a role above Primogen of Miami (before it fell to the Sabbat) was granted the role after being seen repeatedly with Justicars Guil and Lucinde, and with the suspected fate of Imperator Karsh, many among the Gangrel whisper that Basillia is a traitor to the clan. At first glance however, Justicar Basillia has proved a measured leader, and what is to come of her addition to the Justicariate is yet to be seen.
Juliet Parr served as Sheriff of London for over a century, and after her previous Justicar, Dona Manuela Bolívar, went missing, she began fulfilling countless duties for her clan, becoming Justicar pro-tempore all while continuing to operate out of the city and with many fearing she is as much a second advocate for the Ventrue as she is the Malkavians. During countless arguments and debacles at the 2023 Grand Conclave, Parr was unique among the Justicariate in that she stood above the drama and simply continued to work with single-minded dedication. Her masterminding of the Setite Offer shocked many, and her swaying of long-time opponent of the snakes, Queen Anne of London, to be the first signatory to her proposition has had many rethink their assumption that the Ventrue wear the pants in whatever relationship the Malkavian Justicar has with her favorite Prince. This move heralded large scale Ventrue support. While she was a replacement for her missing predecessor, she maintained the position without question.
Appointed Justicar in 1998, Robin was an instrumental force in the Battle of New York, a decisive win for the Tower that secured them much of the East Coast. His willingness to stand against tyranny--even when it is the tyranny of his own clan --and his activities along the east coast have made Cock Robin a rising star among the Justicariate. In 2011, he was replaced by his old nemesis, Stanford Warwick, due to Warwick's placing sect above above, but at the Conclave, late in 2023, he surprised many by co-signing a shocking amount of proposals with Justicar Parr, a departure from the normal political conservatism of the Nosferatu. His efforts were recognized, and his own clan's enmity towards Warwick saw Cock Robin retake his seat on the Justicariate in 2024.
Madame Guil first rose to prominence in the reconstruction of France after the Revolution, quickly rising to in the Camarilla, eventually becoming Justicar of clan Toreador in 1985. Her hands were present in negotiating the treaty of the Sky from the Camarilla's side, and the bloodless winning of the region certainly didn't hurt her ascent to the Justicariate. Since claiming her title, she has garnered a reputation for bloodshed, and has executed countless elders previously thought of as “untouchables” within the Tower. A force for change, she is widely feared, though some younger kindred look up to her as the only justice they may receive within the Tower's strict caste system. She was seen frequently at the recent Conclave in the company of Tallula Donegan, Prince of Asheville.
Like most things, the internal decisions on who Clan Tremere is pushing for Justicar are obfuscated, but in 2024 Ulugh Begh became Justicar of Clan Tremere, replacing Anastasz di Zagreb. While little is known of his intentions, he has already taken a hard line against the Sabbat and his sabre rattling is divisive in an era that has only recently found respite from active conflict with the Sword of Caine. Rumors have it that he insisted on the re-ratification of the Land of the Sky treaty, though why the Tremere Justicar would be interested in the small Appalachian domain is anyone's guess. Regardless, it is not his Archon that will be visiting but Guil's.
Lucinde was named the first Alastor when she exposed the Setite, Kemintiri's masquerade as the former Ventrue Justicar, and later, she uncovered a secret plot by the Anathama to destroy the Camarilla, securing her seat as the Ventrue Justicar and “Red Alastor” ever since. In the past decades she has become the backbone of the Justicariate and the face of the Tower's justice. Her Alastors scour the world hunting wanted criminals. With the absence of an Imperator, rumors are that Lucinde is effectively filling in for this role, and some wonder whether she will eventually become Karsh's replacement.
With increasing tensions between Imperator Karsh and underground rumors that he would stand against the Ominous and attempt to take control of the sect from the Inner Circle, Imperator Karsh entered the 2023 grand conclave but did not leave. Last he was seen, the Imperator entered a room with Justicars Guil, Lucinde, and the soon to be Gangrel Justicar, Basillia. He did not exit. The role has remains open ever since without comment from any authority.
The Sabbat, rival faction to the Camarilla is a military organization fixated on the destruction of the eldest. In the nights of turmoil at the beginning of the 21st century, they lost much ground and were on the verge of destruction, but with canny leadership they have retrenched themselves, and in the South East a number of major cities including Atlanta, Charleston, Savannah, and Miami have all settled into Sabbat control, despite the Camarilla once thinking the region would be theirs.
Temoch the Jackal, a canny Gangrel remains the Regent of the Sabbat, though rumors have it that the extended period of cease-fire with the Camarilla has turned many heads and had countless members of the Sword question the Regent, despite their heavy losses at the beginning of the 21st century. While the Sword of Caine has reestablished itself by turning its wrath against the easier targets of the Independent Alliance, the Regent has been challenged to Monomancy increasingly frequently. While Temoch continues to establish the Sword as a modern institution, it is whispered that he will either make a bold move soon or lose the post and likely his unlife. Such fears were an undercurrent of whispers at the most recent Conclave, and some suggested that providing a path for Setite entry will return the two sects to open war.
Officially a part of the Camarilla, the Anarch movement are the rebellious wing of the sect if you ask the establishment. Or if you ask the Anarchs themselves, they're a nascent rebellion that's about to turn the tides. Regardless, they are given some rights assuming they maintain the masquerade, though they lack many privileges of Camarilla society. The 2007 Edict of Succession provided a further close relationship between the pseudo-sect and the Camarilla, and the last decade and a half has seen this relationship evolve.
The Anarch Free States continue to grow on the West Coast, though some prominent cities (namely San Diego) have flipped in the last decade, most likely due to the comfortable pathway to Camarilla influence granted by the Edict of Succession. Some say that the Free States are ready to fold back into the Camarilla properly, whereas others say a real revolution is on the horizon. The recent list of Anarch domains in violation of the Edict of Succession (including all of Los Angeles) put forward by the Ventrue and secured by the Malkavians threatens now to bring this issue to a head. There has yet to be a significant move to conquer these domains, but the Kindred world waits with bated breath.
The IA has held strong in the last decade, continuing to gain traction, and only recently it has officially taken the city of Memphis, Tennessee, which while it always had a heavy Setite contingent, was previously a Camarilla holding. That said, the recent Conclave has once again extended an offer for the Setites to break away from their new allies and join the Tower in good standing. No official reply has been given, though rumors are that the Giovanni are nervous, and the offer alone has begun to draw schisms.