One of the themes in a Camarilla game of “Vampire the Masquerade” is the social stratification based on age and tradition. The Camarilla, in many ways, is created to protect the Elders from the youth, putting in rules to protect themselves. Each of the roles you can take in the Chronicle are equally as important, the Neonates are close to the world as it exists, and understand it's ways. They have the most power in the mortal realms, understanding how to manipulate and influence politics, finance, and the more nefarious parts of our modern culture, while the Ancilla are not yet separated from the world that is by eons, yet power in the hands of the Elders will, seemingly, never be released to their ever more capable hands. And when it is, it's never without strings attached. As for the Elders, they have frequently lost touch with the world that is, scheming and plotting more against each-other and attempting to use the younger kindred as pawns in their conflicts. They rarely act in the world, or for that matter, publicly in Vampiric culture, but choose favorites and subtly influence them for their own needs.
In our setting, Neonates need Ancillia and Elders to move in Vampiric culture, and Elders need their younger broods to act in the world. This push and pull is central to the game, and there isn't a role that is more or less exciting to play in our troupes drama, it's just different.
Neonates are young Vampires, traditionally embraced in the the last 49 years. They are considered young and expendable by those older than themselves. But they still have extensive ties to the Mortal world allowing them to influence and manipulate it to a great extent, understand technology and the changing times, and are the movers and shakers who *do* stuff.
Ancilla are usually Vampires between the age of 50 and 299 years since their embrace. They have amassed enough reputation in Kindred society to have some modicum of respect. The Elders use them in their struggles, and the ancilla, to whatever extent they can, do the same to the Neonates to achieve both the Elder's goals and their own. Ancilla are considered great candidates for domain positions like Sheriff, Keeper, Scourge, and even sometimes Harpy or Prince. Much of the Primogen Council is pulled from the ranks of the Ancilla, as they have enough wisdom and experience to council the Prince, but are also close enough to human culture to manage the affairs of the city.
Elders are likely ancient monster over 300 years old. Memories of their days as a mortal may start to feel like a long ago dream, and the world has certainly changes since they saw the sun. The Camerilla is built to support them, keep their unlife pleasant, and give them control and privilege over those younger than them. Oh, they need those younger than them, as the Neonates and Ancilla are thier pawns and minor pieces that allow them to compete for status in the Elder Struggle.
We intend to keep a strict check on the number of Elders in the Domain.
Plots will be primarily introduced through Neonates and Ancilla, as the young play a far more active role in the world still - Elders will be encouraged to form relationships with these characters to gain involvement. This does not apply to player-formed Machiavellian schemes, which are expected to be top down in nature.