¶ Land of the Sky Feeding Territories
Each clan, according to the Courtesies, are given territory to both protect and use to feed from.
Direct Map Link(not embedded)
The Feeding territory map has been updated to represent the game’s starting territories by clan. We expect this map to be more fluid and changing than other VTM LARP games, as we’ve included a way for the Primogen Council to vote on alterations in the Courtesies.
This map is broken up into around 400 individual 300 acre “blocks” which are all labeled for ease (A1, A2, A3, etc…). Each clan, depending on circumstances, will be starting with 5-7 blocks. Sometimes these are contiguous but not always, depending on the priorities of that clan. For example, we want as many churches as possible vs. we want a power base on the east side of town. To make this work we have made some in-game additions and clarifications to the feeding territories that we think you all will find useful and enjoyable:
- For Feeding, Blocks are Equal: Every block on the map provides the same amount of sustenance, no matter how urban or rural. The In-Character (IC) rationale is that while blood is more prevalent in more dense areas, it is harder to protect the masquerade while feeding in those areas. Additionally Out-of-Character (OOC), we didn’t want to add yet another system for people to have to consider.
- Why might you want a particular block, if they are all equal? A location quest that is in a block controlled by your clan (or clan representing you) is easier to succeed! Quest participants from your clan do not suffer consequences on ties if the Location is in your feeding territory. There will be other narrative considerations as well, depending on story events. But what if I want a location in someone else’s territory? While feeding territories make it easier to quest for Locations within them for the clan that controls them, it does not mean that other Kindred can’t use the Location system to control Locations in that territory. It simply follows the normal rules.
- Why does this matter, I have Herd? Herd eliminates the downtimes you need to feed (with one dot of herd countering one downtime required by the feeding difficulty). While you write a description of your herd and there are thematics to it, your feeding territory will still determine things like your feeding difficulty, regardless of the herd you're using. It's assumed you're drawing resources to sustain your herd, etc, from those who subsist in your feeding territory.
- We have to protect these too? There is an expectation that your clan uses PATROL downtimes to protect your feeding territory. If this is ignored or skimped on, there may be consequences. And the Scourge will likely get mad… it’s their job to PATROL all the unclaimed areas, and if you make them have to deal with your territory, too…
- Can’t I just hunt in the Rack? The downtown RACK is two blocks on the map. It is unavailable for anyone to claim as a feeding territory. The Rack is for Kindred who are granted hospitality, but don’t have a feeding territory themselves. If you have a feeding territory, don’t get caught feeding there. The Scourge will be mighty pissed.
- The Arboretum Elysium is marked separately. It is unavailable for anyone to claim as a feeding territory.
- The St. Laurence Elysium lies within the Rack. Don’t get hungry if Gather is held there, unless special accommodations are made.
- In accordance with the Courtesies, the Sheriff has the honor, or more precisely, the duty and responsibility, of holding the airport as a personal domain. They are expected to PATROL it and protect unauthorized travel in and out of the city.
- E.W. Grove holds the block containing the Grove Park Inn as a personal domain, as approved by the Prince. We hope the location system is enjoyable in both its abstraction and depth, for both people who know Asheville inside and out and want to know, as well as travelers coming in from out of town.