These tools, along with this website, are great for your first night, getting you used to the system and into the game:
Once you are wanting to know more, and learn the lore and history you can pick up the Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade -PDF (legacy) rulebook, coming in at over 500 pages of content. The book is out of print, if you wish to purchase it from used and rare book sites, here are the ISBNs:
Softcover - ISBN: 9780991131211
Hardcover -ISBN: 9780991131228
There is also a Black-Bound deluxe edition without an ISBN, and deluxe art that is rare, but worth picking up.
The Storytellers will also bring their printed copies of the rules to the game.
If you are interested in the complete collection, or would like to read about strange and unusual bloodlines:
Over the years, small changes and tweaks were made to this system as people learned and played it. You can find those resources here: